Last updated: 26 September 2023

Next review: 26 September 2024

In February 2021 we launched our new Housing Allocation Scheme.  When you join the housing register you will be awarded a level of priority based on your circumstances.  These are summarised below:

Band 1: Emergency Priority

  • Under-occupying council tenants moving to a smaller home.
  • Exceptionally urgent cases.

Band 2: High Priority

  • Those who need to move urgently due to risk of violence, or very urgent medical, disability or social welfare needs.
  • Some special groups, such as young people leaving care and move-on from supported housing.

Band 3: Medium Priority Plus

  • Homeless households to whom the Council owes the main housing duty.
  • Those who need to move on medical or disability grounds, or due to overcrowding.

Band 4: Medium Priority

  • Homeless households who are not owed the main housing duty.
  • Social tenants living outside the borough who work in the borough and want to move due to work.

Band 5: No Priority

  • Those who are adequately housed not falling into the above categories, or have sufficient financial resources to secure housing for themselves in the private sector.

If you are in Band 5 you will not be able to bid for properties.

The full rules are set out in our full Housing Allocation Scheme.